Mike Harvey
Executive Director
208-322-5150 x 203
Bob Clifford
District League Coordinator
208-322-5150 x 206
Jennifer Hunt
Junior Programs Coordinator
208-322-5150 x 207
Payton McGriff
Communications Coordinator
Area League Coordinator
208-322-5150 x 205
Executive Committee
According to IdTA Bylaws, IdTA "shall have an executive committee consisting of the president, vice-president and secretary/treasurer. The executive committee may act on behalf of the directors as specifically authorized by the board." In practical terms, the executive committee will be used to make decisions on a time-sensitive issue. Any decision made by the executive committee will be voted on by the full board at the next scheduled full board meeting.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322-5150, ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Jenny Grunke (President)
Kirk Porritt (Vice-President)
Carol Mills (Secretary)
Mike Sato (Treasurer)
Community Development Committee
This committee is responsible for the development of grassroots tennis programs through our Community Tennis Associations (CTAs) and partnerships with community associations. The committee is also responsible for the oversight of our existing community programs, including: Tennis 101, Tennis is Elementary (TiE), and Parks and Recreation Programs.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322-5150, ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Jenell Lester (Idaho Falls)
Tony Horton (McCall)
Ron Osborn (Pocatello)
Mike Sato (Twin Falls)
Paula Lawson (Boise)
General Grievance Committee
This committee oversees all filed grievances within the Idaho District that are directly related to adult leagues, officials, and tournament play.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322 - 5150, Ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Jenny Grunke (Boise)
Leon Samuels (Boise)
Tracy Smith (Boise)
Ken Azbill (Boise)
Championship Event Committee
This committee oversees District Championship events. A member of this committee will also be present with the Grievance Committee and/or Grievance Appeal Committee on grievances filed during a District Championship or Invitational event. This committee is only used during championship or invitational events.
IdTA staff liaison: Robyn Gold (208) 322 - 5150, Ext. 205
Current Committee members:
Terry Hardy (Ontario, Oregon)
Lori Griffel (Boise)
Melanie Daw (Idaho Falls)
Brad Anderson (Idaho Falls)
Adult League Grievance Committee
To ensure due process, this committee is responsible for handling filed appeals of previously ruled on grievances during local league play. Specifically, this committee shall either affirm, modify, remand (for cause), or reject decisions made by the General Grievance Committee.
IdTA staff liason: Robyn Gold (208) 322 - 5150, Ext. 205
Current Committee members:
Ron Osborn (Pocatello)
Michael Kirby (Boise)
Jenell Lester (Idaho Falls)
Awards Committee
This committee is responsible for developing an awards program for the IdTA and helping to select nominees for ITA Sectional Awards. Specifically this committee will initiate awards for volunteers, league captains, and other deserving individuals in the Idaho District. The Awards Committee is also responsible for nominating individuals to the Idaho Tennis Hall of Fame.
IdTA staff liason: Lori Griffel (208) 322-5150 ext. 207
Current Committee members:
Tony Horton (McCall)
Mike Sato (Twin Falls)
Kevin Falk (Boise)
Junior Development and Competition Committee
This committee is responsible for implementation and oversight of the Idaho junior development pathway. This committee will oversee all junior tournaments and scheduling, all junior rankings, and help foster a better communication system between the IdTA, the junior tournament directors, junior coaches, and the parents of competitive junior players.
IdTA staff liason: Ryan Stewart (208) 322-5150 ext. 206
Current Committee members:
Dennis Gibbens (Pocatello)
Chad Vaughn (Boise)
Holger Nickel (Idaho Falls)
Kevin Dibelius (Boise)
Matt Locke (Boise)
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
This committee monitors and evaluates how well the USTA Idaho is living up to its core values of Diversity and Inclusion. Specifically, the committee monitors the appropriation of USTA National Diversity and Inclusion funding and helps in completing the annual USTA Diversity/Inclusion report card.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322-5150 ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Lisa Dunn (Boise)
Pam Donoso (Sun Valley)
Kevin Falk (Boise)
Audit and Finance Committee
The Board of Directors of Idaho Tennis Association appoints members to the Audit Committee and has the authority to remove such members at any time. The audit committee consists of three members, one being the board secretary or treasurer, the others are selected by the full Board of Directors. If no other members are specifically assigned, it will be assumed that the Executive Committee will also act as the Audit Committee. Duties of the committee include:
Overseeing the integrity of the association's financial accounting process and systems of internal controls regarding finance, accounting, and use of assets;
If it is determined by the Board of Directors to have an external audit, the committee has the responsibility to select and ensure that the outside auditing firm has the necessary ability to carry out the auditing function for the organization.
The Audit Committee has the authority to conduct any investigation appropriate to fulfilling its responsibilities and has direct access to the independent auditors as well as to anyone in the organization. The Audit Committee has the authority to retain, at the Association's Expense, special legal, accounting, or other consultants or experts it deems necessary in the performance of its duties.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322 - 5150, Ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Jenny Grunke (Board President)
Kirk Porritt (Vice-presidents)
Mike Sato (Treasurer)
Carol Mills (Secretary)
Board Recruitment, Nominations, and Selection Committee
According to the IdTA Bylaws, the IdTA president "shall appoint a nominating committee to make nominations for election to the board. No director with an expiring term or person being considered for a board position shall be a member of the Nominating Committee." The charge of this committee is to create a slate of board members to be voted on annually. It is a function of all board members to be seeking new potential board members for the organization as well as recruiting volunteers for IdTA committees and events.
IdTA staff liason: Kyle Jewett (208) 322 - 5150, Ext. 203
Current Committee members:
Todd Miller (Boise)
Holger Nickel (Idaho Falls)