What is TiE?
Tennis is Elementary (TiE) is a statewide after-school program designed for beginning tennis players in elementary and middle school students in grades K - 9. We conduct TiE in a registered school's gym, cafeteria, or multipurpose room by using smaller nets, foam or low-compression balls, junior racquets and reduced court size.
All you need to do is register online - we'll provide the equipment and coaching!
We are actively looking for additional schools and instructors throughout the state to implement the TiE program.
Find out how you can become an instructor or bring TiE to your child's school by contacting our Junior Programs Coordinator.
Bring TiE to Your School
Treasure Valley TiE Classes
To bring TiE to your school in Southeastern Idaho, contact Melanie Daw.
Financial Assistance
If you're interested in financial assistance for the Tennis is Elementary program, download the TiE Assistance Form and email the application to:
Ryan Stewart
Junior Program Coordinator
1-208-322-5150 ex. 206